Pong Wars

Pong Wars is a game that brings to life the classic arcade game Pong with a unique twist. The game represents an eternal battle between day and night, good and bad. Developed using JavaScript, along with HTML and CSS, the entire code for the game is encapsulated in a single index.html file, making it easy to understand and reuse.


Classic Pong Gameplay:

  • The game follows the classic Pong gameplay where players control paddles to hit a ball back and forth.

Day and Night Theme:

  • The game introduces a thematic element by representing the eternal battle between day and night.

JavaScript Implementation:

  • Written entirely in JavaScript, the game leverages the power of this scripting language for game logic.


  • The game's structure and styling are achieved using HTML and CSS.

Single File Setup:

  • All the code and assets are contained within a single index.html file, making it easy to understand and reuse.

Note:"Pong Wars" is an entertaining and creative take on the classic Pong game. The addition of a day and night theme adds a unique flavor to the gameplay. Developers are encouraged to explore the code, understand its mechanics, and even create their versions of the game. The simplicity of the implementation allows for easy modification and customization.